I recently saw the quote I’ve seen countless times that was attributed to Nikola Tesla:
“If you want to find out the secrets of the Universe think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
It suddenly occurred to me and I began to question: what if ‘frequency’ is not pointing at the rate of vibration that can be quantitatively measured? Most see this as units of frequency, or Hz, that are defining the rate of vibration. What if it is referring to frequency as in how frequent in a qualitative sense of coherence or ratio over a span that is indicative of something else? Are they one and the same essentially? This consideration instantly opened my awareness to the spaces between, the intervals and ratio of frequency present in a more inter-relational way. I wondered, what about information that could be observed within the shapes and angles? There is much to be observed between states of anything, the relationships therein, and the shapes of anything as they communicate within the unseen subtle worlds.
From this question I examined another quote that apparently has not been validated to actually have come from Tesla but gets attributed to him,
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the Universe.”
Wherever it originated, I invited insight as I asked for clarity about this key within my Spirit from All That Is. I awoke the next morning in a deep presence of profundity that is still with me days later. It was revealed to me that it is the ratio of motion in All That Is: the centripetal and centrifugal, intrinsically visible in the shapes of 3 6 and 9, and the relationship between them: attraction and repulsion. The force of positive (3) and negative (6) of everything in existence AND the dominant (9).
I had just been contemplating dominance as relates to harmony in my own applications of harmonising biofields/biospheres and was searching within Divine Intelligence for a better way to describe, explain or to illustrate what I’ve been experiencing and witnessing. The key!
Within this entire incarnation thus far everything has always appeared in Spirit and then in the material world, and yet it still always amazes me.
Someone discovered this 3 6 9 key in the 1800s and it was not Nikola Tesla. I was astonished to see so elaborately clearly expressed in both words and drawings what had been revealed to me intuitively.
“The relative frequency of all sympathetic streams is in the ratio 3:6:9. Those whose relative frequencies are 3:9 are mutually attractive, while those having the relation of 6:9 are mutually repellant.”
John E W Keely founded Sympathetic Vibratory Physics among many discoveries and inventions and Dr. Edgar Hollingshead, a Physicist and Inventor, also utilised 3 6 9 key for many amazing applications, including the Odic Ray.
I found a very obscure website with this information and of course some defamation of Keely and Hollingshead out on the broader internet, as is common against anything that threatens certain pointed agendas of pushers of beLIEfS. We certainly cannot believe everything we read.
I am SO excited to explore this, both from insighs within and from those who were before, Here Now.